Thursday, March 11, 2010

    Financial Freedom is a state of mind. It is a condition wherein a person feels that his future as well as his family is secure. He can travel, spend time with his family, engage into sports and enjoy life and its beauty without worrying about his financial responsibilities for tomorrow.

     The truth is, financial freedom is something one can easily achieve. What makes it hard to attain is the lack of focus and discipline. A person with a "close" mind also finds it hard to achieve financial nirvana. The world is a place full of ideas and opportunities. We just need to seek and seize these opportunities and make them work for us.

     Half of our lives are spent studying and the other half is spent working. We look for a job and then we work to have money. This should not be the case. We should make money work for us. Money is a commodity. It does not think nor feel, so working FOR money is  really a very wrong concept. But how do we make money work for us? We should learn how to control money and not the other way around. Controlling money is the first step to financial freedom. But how can we control money if we do not have enough of it? This concept is also wrong. Money is enough, our wants and needs are the things we often consume above the limit. Living a frugal life is the second step to financial freedom. We suffer from credit card debts because of over spending. Over spending is brought about by greediness.I know the word seems to be a harsh word to be used as an adjective, but admit it, we spend to much on things we can practically live without. Living a healthy life is the third step to financial freedom. We only live once and we only have one body to take care of. A sound mind and body is needed in making right decisions on how we control our money and resources.


     Pretty easy right?

    Financial freedom is a matter of choice. Every one has different needs. Financial freedom does not depend on our banks balance, vehicles we own or how large our houses are. Though we never should equate financial freedom to contentment. These are two different ideas. Financial freedom is possible, if we really want it.


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